Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Don't let hackers know you have a Wordpress site. With Hide My Wordpress PRO you can hide the fact that you are using Wordpress. 
The admin URL is the most common path that hackers use to break your Wordpress site. If you don't protect yourself you will end up having a hacked site sooner or later. 
Hide WordPress wp-admin, wp-login.php URLs; add custom admin, login, wp-includes, wp-content, uploads, plugins, author, category and tags URLs
Personalized Horse Grooming Brushes (pair)

Finally! Brushes that will look good at the horse show ring to represent your barn. When you think about going to a horse show and putting your best foot forward these personalized wood brushes will be sure to impress everyone at the ingate.

Made from high-quality wood and hand stained in dark walnut, these grooming brushes will be sure to put the finishing touches on your horse.
Set includes one soft and one hard brush.

These brushes come with a custom plate engraved with your choosing (18 characters per line, only one line option possible).